Greeting Center, Oregon Caves National Monument, Oregon - Bathroom Review

The road up to the Oregon Caves National Monument is certainly not for the faint of heart. As someone who gets car sick even while driving sometimes, this road almost got the better of me! That being said, it was with welcome relief that we pulled into the parking lot. If it is your first time to the caves and you didn't do much research other than finding driving directions, your first encounter with the monument will feel underwhelming. There is just a small outbuilding at the end of the parking lot that leaves you wondering what exactly you got yourself into. Of course, just a 1000ft up from where the main road ends is the actual Chateau and main visitor center. The parking lot facility is actually just a bathroom and orientation part where the rangers will ask you if you've ever visited other caves (they are trying to control a fungus that impacts the bats).

I was able to re-visit this bathroom at the end of the day when all of the daytime visitors had left. The building itself is well designed and fits into the local landscape quite well. It is difficult to actually gauage how old this facility is but I'm fairly confident it is not as old as the Chateau or the Visitor Center bathrooms. I think when this facility was built, it was designed to try to look the same time period. The facility was pretty basic with one toilet stall, one urinal, sink and mirror. The facility was relatively clean, there was no signs of Graffiti or Vandalism. I can't give much credit for anything artisitic as even though they tried to make it look the same time period as the other bathrooms, the mix of modern fixtures like the sink and mirror just seem out of place. Overal this facility deserves a 3 flush rating.

Greeting Center, Oregon Caves National Monument, Oregon - Public Restroom Review - 4/5 Flushes

Facility Location Cleanliness Design Artwork Free of Graffiti Free of Vandalism Notes
 Greeting Center Oregon Caves National Monument, Oregon Cleanliness     Free of Graffiti Free of Vandalism Clean and functional restroom but nothing that stands out.